Sittertalstrasse 34
CH-9014 St.Gallen
+41 71 278 87 09 (MO–FR)
+41 71 278 87 08 (Sonntag)
Montag bis Freitag, 9–17 Uhr
Sonntag, 14–18 Uhr
Samstag geschlossen
The Journal functions as an online platform that accompanies and reflects recent events and projects of the Sitterwerk Foundation and hopes to stimulate further debate. By means of essays, interviews, and emphasizing highlights, it addresses past, current, and recurring questions regarding the topic of activating archives and libraries, alternative structures of order, and process documentation.
In this public writing contest, the Sitterwerk Foundation was looking for texts that talk about art and its production in an innovative, experimental and personal manner. The focus of this contest was on new forms of describing art that give center stage to materiality and production processes. A jury chose two winning texts
Production Storiesis a project that has been continuously capturing and communicating exciting production processes and manufacturing methods through interviews and videos at irregular intervals since June 2021.
My ABC is...In the series "My ABC is...", guests from different disciplines are invited to turn the collections inside out for a few days according to their criteria and, in doing so, make their research interests visible.
Reading the LibraryAn exhibition on feminist and de-colonial approaches to systems of ordering knowledge curated by Barbara Biedermann, Lucie Kolb, and Eva Weinmayr in the Kunstbibliothek Sitterwerk, 29. 8. till 7. 11. 2021
Finders Keeperswas planned as a two-day symposium on the role of users in libraries and archives and on the potential that is uncovered through use. The contributions gathered here reflect the contents.
Art Production LanguageThe workshop series «Art Production Language» explored the possibility and value of a site-specific vocabulary and questioned hierarchies and ordering structures underlying keywords and the library system.