Dynamische Ordnung, Werkbank, Bibliozine: A Chronology of the Sitterwerk's tools
One of the tools in the Sitterwerk—the Werkbank—was put into operation in 2014. The idea for it also arose from the symposium "The Archives of the Future" in 2011, which situated the dynamic order in the Sitterwerk in its historical context in particular and also discussed the question of how it might be developed further. The developers of the Werkbank, Anthon Astrom, Lukas Zimmer, and Fabian Wegmüller, took the publication of the same name, Archive der Zukunft, and the English edition, The Dynamic Library, of 2015 as an occasion to present the tool in a film.
The clip thus created embeds the Werkbank chronologically in the sequence of site-specific innovations in the Sitterwerk and simultaneously responds to the need to mediate the possibilities and functions of the Werkbank for an off-site audience. In contrast to visitors to the Art Library, who are assisted and shown how to use the Werkbank by the librarian, Roland Früh, or the head of the Material Archive, Julia Lütolf, it is difficult to explain working with the Werkbank in a self-explanatory way outside of the Sitterwerk.
David Weinberger discussed the video, which we are presenting online here, in a beautiful article from 2015.